Christina Pesendorfer (Rollstuhl-Tennisspielerin), Vanessa Jenewein (Rollstuhl-Tennisspielerin), Sandra Reichel (Turnierdirektorin), Barbara Schett-Eagle (Turnierbotschafterin), Nico Langmann (Rollstuhl-Tennisspieler)

An ace for the bees: Upper Austrian insurance company supports young beekeepers with honeycombs

Oberösterreichische Versicherung is continuing its tradition of sustainability initiatives at this year's Upper Austria Ladies Linz. For every ace beaten, Oberösterreichische will cover the cost of a honeycomb for a young beekeeper. As a perfect continuation of last year's "Every ace a tree" campaign, this year's motto is "Every ace a honeycomb". With this campaign, Oberösterreichische Versicherung is emphasising the indispensable role of bees and its commitment to sustainability.
This year's Upper Austria Ladies Linz is not only about world-class tennis, but also about protecting the environment and supporting beekeeping. For every ace hit in the tournament, Upper Austria will cover the cost of a honeycomb. These honeycombs will be made available to young beekeepers to promote their work and raise awareness of bees in society. According to estimates, around a third of the food consumed worldwide depends directly on pollination by bees. Last but not least, bees contribute to the preservation of genetic diversity by pollinating a wide variety of plants.
"The importance of bees cannot be emphasised enough. These small pollinators play a crucial role for us humans. Without them, countless plants would not be able to survive and therefore neither would we humans. Upper Austrian Insurance's support for young beekeepers is a significant contribution to the protection of our bee colonies," emphasise the board members of Oberösterreichische Versicherung, CEO Othmar Nagl and Board Director Kathrin Kühtreiber-Leitner. "We would also like to thank Oberösterreichische Landesverband für Bienenzucht, who are actively supporting us with this event. Thanks to their help, there will be a lot to see and learn about bees and honeycombs at the Upper Austria Ladies Linz."